Asher Hancock
email ajhancock[AT]princeton[DOT]edu

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I am a graduate student at Princeton advised by Anirudha Majumdar.
Previously, I was a MPhil candidate in the Controls Group at the University of Cambridge under the supervision of Rodolphe Sepulchre. My MPhil thesis studied the relationship between relaxation systems, Hankel operators, and cyclic monotonicity.
I am broadly interested in systems theory, decision-making, and autonomy.

  • Attending RSS 2024 in Delft! (July 2024)
  • Started my PhD at Princeton! (September 2023)
  • Completed my MPhil in Engineering. My thesis may be found here (August 2023)
  • Started my MPhil in Engineering at the University of Cambridge! (Sep. 2022)
  • Graduated with a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh! (May 2022)
  • Awarded the NSF GRFP to fund my PhD! (April 2022)
  • Awarded the Churchill Scholarship to obtain my MPhil at the University of Cambridge! (Mar. 2022)

Visually Robust Vision-Language-Action Models Via Run-time Observation Interventions
Asher J. Hancock, Allen Z. Ren, Anirudha Majumdar
Blending Data-Driven Priors in Dynamic Games
Justin Lidard, Haimin Hu, Asher J Hancock, Zixu Zhang, Albert Gimo Contreras, Vikash Modi, Jonathan A. DeCastro, Deepak Gopinath, Guy Rosman, Naomi Ehrich Leonard, Maria Santos, Jaime Fernandez Fisac
RSS, 2024 [ArXiv] [Website]
PAC-Bayes Generalization Certificates for Learned Inductive Conformal Prediction
Apoorva Sharma, Sushant Veer, Asher J Hancock, Heng Yang, Marco Pavone, Anirudha Majumdar
NeurIPS, 2023 [ArXiv] [Code]

  Honors and Awards
  • NSF GRFP (2022)
  • Churchill Scholarship (2022)
  • Goldwater Scholarship (2021)
  • Sigma Xi Membership (2021)
  • USRA Distinguished Undergraduate Award (2x Honorable Mention, 2020-21)

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